In the last three months, we’ve already celebrated Unification Day, Rome’s birthday, and a variety of other city or state holidays, so…why stop now! Tomorrow is La Festa della Reppublica, celebrating 65 years since Italy officially voted to turn itself into a republic! And in honor of that, there’s a super sweet military parade going down Fori Imperiali at 11am. Also, the Palazzo di Quirinale – aka the presidential palace aka the home to the one and only Giorgio Napolitano – will be open this weekend for garden and coach house viewing.
The Palazzo Quirinale is open on Thursday all day and again on Sunday morning, so don’t miss your chance to get a close up of i corazzieri – the president’s personal security force, established in the 16th century to protect papal princes and brought back under the Savoy in the 19th century.