An important heads-up to all you commuters out there – starting on Friday, May 25th, all ATAC fares (buses, metro, etc) are going up to 1.50/ride. A couple of things to note:
1. The new 1.50 tickets will be valid for 100 minutes, instead of the current 75
2. The daily unlimited ticket is now 6 euro
3. Monthly passes will go up to 35. For anyone requiring a student pass, you’ll need to register through ATAC (
4. Tickets purchased at the 1 euro price before Friday will be valid until July 31st
5. From August 1st until October 31st, if you still have old 1 euro tickets, you can trade them in for a new ticket, and pay the difference. Please note, this doesn’t actually save you any money, but if you find an old ticket after July 31st, it won’t go completely to waste.