Word of the Day: Dipinto written by Lauren T. Mouat March 19, 2014 From the verb dipingere (to paint) comes the noun dipinto (a painting). For example: Questo é un dipinto con natura morta: This is still life painting (which could be translated literally as “a painting with dead nature”!) artItalianitalylearn italianpaintingromeword of the day 0 comment 0 Facebook Twitter Google + Pinterest Lauren T. Mouat previous post The table cloth is not the garlic: Italian Tongue Twisters Part II next post Piccola Intervista with jewelry designer Andy Lifschutz You may also like Word of the Day: Pioggia July 23, 2012 Word of the Day: Volentieri March 22, 2012 Word of the Day: Pomodoro July 11, 2013 Word of the Day: Menarsela, Tirarsela March 14, 2012 Word of the Day: Dare buca February 13, 2012 The foolish fish of April April 1, 2014 Word of the Day: Centellinare June 13, 2012 Word of the Day: Cucchiaiando March 29, 2012 Word of the Day: Pranziamo June 26, 2013 Word of the Day: Stra- June 11, 2012 Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Δ