Ladies, unite: there’s a new way to network, and they’re in Rome next week.
We’re women, and we have ideas. And passions, and a job, and friends, and family and dreams and about ten million other things, generally all going on at the same time. And we want, no, we need authentic connections – because that’s what humans do, it’s how we grow, it’s how we get that tingly feeling in our fingers.
In the last few years, as I have grown more into a woman who has an idea of what she wants out of life (and is learning not just to accept, but to love herself too), I have found that the tingly feeling in my fingers comes most when I am surrounded by people who stimulate and support, who even (sometimes especially) in their disagreements find growth. Most of all, in a tough corporate environment, I am thrilled to say that I repeatedly find women who are not only genuine, driven, and kind, I have been lucky enough to continually run across those who love to be involved in each other’s causes, and who grow from their love of one another. They celebrate each other’s victories. And gosh, that is far more exciting than being a lone ranger, isn’t it?
When Hub Dot reached out to me the other day to see if I would want to attend their networking event in Rome next week, I’ll admit that I was running from a meeting to a dentist appointment, and I didn’t pay the email much mind – I almost fell into the “too busy” trap. Later, when I sat down on my bed, I clicked the link I had been sent. What are these dots? What’s going on? And as I read on, I got excited. That tingly feeling crept into my fingers.
Here is what’s going on:
In Hub Dot’s own words, they are disrupting the way women network (how completely cool, right? Okay sorry, no more interruptions from me.) They create a space for authentic connections by taking the concept of the Italian piazza (where we all love to chat) and turning the conversation from, “what do you do?” to “what is your story?” And they do this with five dots.
I’ll let you head on over to the Hub Dot website to get more details on the movement, but essentially it’s grown from Simona’s London kitchen in 2012 to the global community it is today. They have events all over (so check out their Events page), as well as a digital platform, and here is the particularly exciting part for my Rome gals:
There’s an event right here in Rome next Wednesday. Here are the details:
Where? Sanacafè @ Via Pompeo Magno 12, a bio-restaurant.
When: From 7 PM to 9 PM on Wednesday, February 24th.
Price? 15 euro plus .38 cents commission, and you can sign up for the event here.
My favorite line of the whole website? “We celebrate women in totality, through all phases of life, and recognize that as women, we reinvent ourselves.”
So, if you’re in Rome and you end up coming next week, leave a comment below or shoot us an email at, because we are definitely going to be there and we want to meet you! And tell stories!
And if you’re not in Rome, but you end up connecting to Hub Dot at another event, or online, shoot us an email, because we absolutely want to connect with you too!
Ladies, let’s connect the dots.