Today’s word of the day, rincoglionito, means an imbecile. It comes from the Italian verb, rincoglionire, which means to become…
Rackets in Rome: Italian Open 2012
by Maddie DeWitt May 8, 2012Following in the gladiatorial tradition established here in Rome thousands of years ago, in just twelve short days, two heroes…
As another entry in the category of “I like the way it sounds,” I bring you zozzo. This word is the…
After the dust settled, the blood drained from the virtual arena, and the ravenous roars of the crowd dissipated into…
Friday May 4th Anarchy in the Club: Y’all already know how partial I am to Berlin DJs, so this one…
This Weekend in Rome: May 4-6
by Maddie DeWitt May 4, 2012Friday: Hoppy weekend everyone – the Fourth Annual Roma Beer Festival begins today! Yes it’s at Atlantico, and yes that’s…
Ahhhh, spring! Possibly the only thing lovelier than spring in Rome is summer in Minnesota. But, alas, we’re not in…
Spasimare means to long for, or to pine for, in a romantic sense. It also means to suffer terribly from…
Today’s word of the day is paraculo. It comes from the words para (parare)- to present, or to appear, and culo- the behind, backside, tush,…
“As the Eurozone plunges into debt, One man, A DJ…Lover of sheep and humans…Can save the old continent…ONE BPM AT…
Photo of the Day: Rose Garden
by Young in Rome May 1, 2012