Since tomorrow’s a holiday anyway, you should probably just spend tonight dancing…and tomorrow too, for good measure. April 30th: SMD…
Take a second and let this song get sufficiently stuck in your head. Cool. On with the post. Welcome to…
Transportation Aggravation: Strikes and Closures
by Young in Rome April 27, 2012The Metro B line will be closed for repairs starting at 6:30pm on Saturday night. There will be a replacement…
This Weekend in Rome: April 27-April 29
by Young in Rome April 27, 2012Friday: Underground jazz club and perennial Young in Rome favorite Big Mama is putting on another of their vaunted tribute…
Used a lot in Rome, scroccare means to freeload, or to mooch. It comes from the Italian word scrocco, meaning…
In a major coup for the Roman art scene, the Scuderie del Quirinale is currently playing host to the great…
April 25th: Casa del Jazz and Liberation Day
by Young in Rome April 23, 2012Kicking off what could be a 6 day weekend for some (depending on whether your school/boss grants you the full…
This one is pretty straightforward. A scorciatoia, (pronounced scor-cha-toya), means “a shortcut.” Scorciare in Italian means to shorten or to reduce.…
In honor of Rome’s 2765th birthday, I was lucky enough to grab hold of and talk to Rome’s namesake and…
This Weekend in Rome: April 20-April 22
by Young in Rome April 20, 2012Friday: It’s the last Friday of Culture Week, so take advantage of many of Rome’s treasures for free. If these…
Photo of the Day: Rome’s Birthday
by Young in Rome April 20, 2012